American Pocket Watch Restoration & Repair

One of the greatest examples of early American ingenuity was the application of mass production methods to the manufacture of pocket watches. From the mid 1800's to mid 1900's, this great accomplishment resulted in the manufacture of literally millions of precision mechanical instruments of time. Many were items of pure beauty! Some of the more famous brand names include Elgin, Waltham, Hamilton, Illinois and Rockford. But there were many more and even others named for the jeweler or watchmaker shops that originally sold the pocket watch. Today, for those of us who are lucky enough to have one or even a collection of these timepieces, there may be a need for repair or even restoration.
I have been trained in the repair of pocket watches and offer full service repair and restoration for these precision items of beauty.
I limit my services to Antique & Vintage American Pocket Watches so as to maintain a manageble parts inventory amid an environment whereby parts are getting harder and harder to obtain.
You can entrust your restoration and repair needs to me!
Complete Movement Servicings & Restoration Work Come With A Full One Year Parts & Labor Warranty!